GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin – For Adults
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A hardcore 2D side-scrolling action game where enemies and allies alike get brutally ryona’d!
Play as grave-keeper Nevia, and adventure in a cruel world to save the 5 princesses!
Featuring lots of brutal torture!
The game is crafted on the concepts of “torture” “anger” “revenge” “mercilessness”, and “taboo”.
This game has all the exhilarating visceral splatter, and hardcore elements you want!
With influences from “D*ad” Cells”, “Bl*sphemous”, “H*llow Kn*ght”, and more,
this 2D dark fantasy prides itself on atmosphere, smooth controls, great performances, and brilliant level design.
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
![GRAVEYARD EXECUTIONER [Blue Mad Diode] | DLsite Doujin - For Adults](
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If you are a fan of Blue Mad Diode’s works(DePrAviA, DePrAviA EgRiGoRi, etc), you’ll definitely enjoy Graveyard Executioner.
Graveyard Executioner can be somewhat lengthy for an H ACT game, somewhere between 2-4 hours, maybe more(took me 2:23 to beat the game). If you’re familiar with Blue Mad Diode’s previous works, the game plays similarly. It also has a Dark Souls-ish(closer to Starfox 64)map/progression system, where the paths branch, giving you the ILLUSION OF CHOICE. In reality, the game doesn’t let you pick where you want to go; you have to unlock abilities from the first run through, to get to a second path, unlock abilities from the 2nd path, and clear the game on the third playthrough. Focus on one weapon– the shovel and crowbar are best.
Aside from that, the game’s mostly bug-free, and the H content is standard fare for Blue Mad Diode’s works, the usual guro stuff and all that.
Pick it up when you can, it’s worth the purchase.
Im pleased with the story. The Art and the action.
The screenes are well made and the speciall atacks connected to enemy are a neat idea. But i feel there are some missing parts , atacks what scream for fatality or vore. In the older works there are multiple and solid continnuity when something happen in game we get a ending screen for it. That mean when a boss atack you multiple ways you get diferent end animation for example a single boss in Depravia Egrigori you get Impalation,Absorbtion and another execution what i cant remember. But here no matter how or what you do it simply take out of the game and get a specific screen to the boss even if that boss have muliple forms you only get one single screen what personaly realy rubbed me in the wrong way. But i cant say i dont recommend the game itself. True as a vore fan i get less screens too. But the story and gameplay itself are great! I enjoyed the jurney. Its not a OMG 10/10 even IGN will recommend it story. But a decent one, with a fair ammount of world building. It peaked my interest and motivated to go further.
Well … very gory, very dark, also kinda hot, fun , it was great!
I wish some day we have one as dark with a shota as main character and not as a secondary one, i also wanted to torture the only male cleric or maybe more male enemies in general.
“game over” screens have great animations you can enjoy watcing before even thinking on returning, most of the fun comes from that.
i think it lacked a few more normal enemies and a few more normal traps, how about rocks falling, pits, more bone crushing traps, fire! burning red metal… Or variatons for the same objet, it’s common in games to have the very same enemie/trap to kill you in different ways in different stages, same sprite with a recolour.
The only think i missed was a proper retry button, you have to kill the bosses unscratched to get something extra, and if you get hit you must wait till death… wich with tons of hp can take long.
Keep it with the nice work , if you can add stronger sounds for future games pain/screams/fear sounds adds very hard to the dark theme.
One of the best gore games I have ever played. It has that humiliation element following the defeat of the foe or the main character that you desired to see. It was one of those games that “I will show you no mercy” or “you are no match for me” type, and then if the opponent or the main character loses it proceeds to “pretty big talk for someone who is going to be thrown into the grinder” or “let me modify the body of that loser to let them know how pathetic they are.” Not only that, the combat is superb. You know it is a very detailed game when each weapon has its own gore animation. The character design is cute yet still maintains the dark-themed, brutal atmosphere that it wants to show. Each character gives you the feeling “I want to see this character being tortured when defeated.” 10/10 recommend worth the price, picking it up right away.
This game is amazing the gameplay was excellent and the amount of gore was lovely to see. The scenes were nice and the story was amazing. Brutal all around and the violence was always present. These people have made a wonderful game and an experience I would never forget. I would definitely look more into their other pieces of work and hope to see what they make in the future.
Such good work that greatly meet the needs of special fetishes, if there could be another torture mini game for the final Boss which will make the game perfect. The punishment for the final boss is just beheading, to some extent it reduces the player’s sense of achievement. After all, at least I hope to have greater rewards when passing the game. But still, really good game, realy nice job, it is more and more rare to find such special game in the case of the general homogeneity of games.